Helene Guis
Helene GUIS (helene.guis@cirad.fr) is a researcher in veterinary epidemiology (PhD, DVM) working at CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) in AnimalS, health, Territories, Risks and Ecosystems Unit (ASTRE, https://umr-astre.cirad.fr/). She is currently based in Madagascar, in the Epidemiology and Clinical Research of Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (IPM) and at the National Center for Applied Research on Rural Development (FOFIFA) - Aquaculture, Livestock and Animal health Research Department (DRZVP) of the Malagasy National Research Center in Agriculture (FOFIFA). Her activities are part of the One Health - Indian Ocean DP (Partnership Research and Teaching System) (https://www.onehealth-oi.org/) which aims at leading integrated approaches in human and animal health in the Indian Ocean. Her main interests are spatial epidemiology (she has a MSc in geomatics), vector-borne diseases (mosquito and Culicoides-borne diseases), zoonoses (such as rabies) and One Health approaches. She is particularly interested on mapping and modelling distribution and dynamics of vectors and diseases.
Before integrating Cirad in 2009, she did a post-doc at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at Liverpool University (UK) on the effects of climate change on bluetongue in Europe and a PhD (in 2007) with the Medical Faculty of Besançon, Franche-Comté University (France) and Cirad on mapping favorable landscapes for Culicoides and bluetongue in France.